Latest News

Skegby After School Sessions

A new block of after school sessions commenced on Tuesday 9th January.


Carnarvon Grading (December)

Shu Kiu Morris Lee from Carnarvon Primary School achieved his 1st Mon at a grading conducted on Thursday 19th December.

Shu Kiu Morris Lee 1 Mon


Dalestorth After School Sessions

A new block of after school sessions commenced on Tuesday 5th November.


Outwood Tasters

Two taster sessions was conducted for Year 7 pupils on Monday 4th November. This was to help promote the Thursday after school sessions.

Carnarvon Grading (July)

Two pupils from Carnarvon Primary School achieved new promotions at a grading conducted on Thursday 25th July.

Joshua Ditchburn 5 Mon
Shu Kiu Morris Lee 2 Sho


Orange Belt Promotions

Oliver Clay from Carnarvon Primary School and Hannah Knights from Sutton Road Primary School achieved their 7th Mon (orange belt +1 tag) at a grading held at Skegby Judo Club on Sunday 7th July.

Oliver Clay 7 Mon
Hannah Knights 7 Mon


Nottingham Girls High School Grading (July)

Ten pupils from the Nottingham Girls High School achieved new promotions at a Grading conducted on Tuesday 2nd July.

Maia Yau 6 Mon
Maia Knopp 5 Mon
Alana Pritchard 5 Mon
Isobel Dewar 4 Mon
Evie Myatt 3 Mon
Iliana Karantana-Clark 5 Sho
Holly Fraser 2 Sho
Anya Knopp 1 Sho
Emily O'Donoghue 1 Sho
Isabelle Whysall 1 Sho


Farmilo Sports Week

Pupils from Farmilo Primary School took part in taster sessions on Monday 17th & Wednesday 19th June as part of Sports Week. The sessions were well received and hopefully these could lead to a new after school club.

Carnarvon Sports Week

Pupils from Year 2 took part in taster sessions on Thursday 23rd May, as part of the Carnarvon Sports Week. Hopefully the sessions will boost the numbers at the Thursday Morning Breakfast Club.

Evie's Red Belt

Evie Myatt from the Nottingham Girls High School achieved her 2nd Mon (red belt +2 Tags) at a grading conducted on Tuesday 23rd April.

Evie Myatt 2 Mon


Carnarvon Grading (March)

Three pupils from Carnarvon Primary School achieved new promotions at a grading conducted on Thursday 28th March.

Joshua Ditchburn 4 Mon
Charlie Walton 1 Mon
Shu Kiu Morris Lee 1 Sho


Nottingham Girls High School Grading (March)

Seven pupils from the Nottingham Girls High School achieved new promotions at a Grading conducted on Tuesday 19th March.

Maia Yau 5 Mon
Maia Knopp 4 Mon
Alana Pritchard 4 Mon
Isobel Dewar 3 Mon
Harriet Perkins 3 Mon
Iliana Karantana-Clark 4 Sho
Holly Fraser 1 Sho



Charlotte's Orange Belt

Charlotte Bremner from Carnarvon Primary School achieved her 7th Mon (orange belt +1 tag) at a grading held at Skegby Judo Club on Sunday 3rd March.

Charlotte Bremner 7 Mon